National Showcase Application Form

To apply to participate in the Parliament Shop National Showcase, please complete this form. 

If your application is successful, a consignment agreement will be sent for your review and signature. 

To be eligible you will need to : 

  • be GST Registered

  • be able to supply at a minimum 10-100 units per product within two weeks of confirmation that your application has been successful

  • cover freight costs to transport products to the Parliament Shop

  • agree to merchandise being on display in the Parliament Shop for a period of one month and promoted as 'available while stocks last'

Preference is given for suppliers not currently stocked in major retailers.

At the end of the month long showcase any unsold merchandise will be returned to the supplier. Parliament Shop will pay you the wholesale price for goods that have been sold.

Only fully completed forms will be accepted.  

For further information please refer to the FAQ.

Need help? Call us on (02) 6277 2222 or

The Department of Parlimentary Services (DPS) will select most appropriate month for showcase if more than one date is selected by the applicant.

Supplier Details

Only businesses registered for GST are able to participate in the National Showcase program

Enter each social media handle and press add

Product Details

Only one product per supplier will be considered for each National Showcase application.  Please submit your best, and most appropriate product for this opportunity. 

Select one or more options
Products must be professionally designed and produced, to reflect the design values of Parliament House.
The Parliament Shop is committed to stocking products that are Australian designed, made, supplied and will select products in line with this commitment.
Products must be ethical in their manufacture and creation, adhere to environmental sustainability practices and appropriately pay and acknowledge First Nations artists and culture (where relevant). Membership of the Indigenous Arts Code (IAC) is viewed favorably.
When dealing with suppliers whose products are classed as Indigenous, suppliers must hold current membership with the Indigenous Art Code or demonstrate an equivalent commitment to fair and equitable payment to indigenous artists. gif, jpeg, jpg, pdf (20 mb max)
gif, jpeg, jpg, pdf (20 mb max)

Products must be suitable for Parliament House, meet size and storage criteria and must not be sold by or have an association with current DPS employees. 

A product, and by extension a vendor, would be considered unsuitable for the Parliament Shop if it: undermines confidence in Australia’s parliament or democracy; compromised the independence and integrity of Parliament House; knowingly misled visitors; is offensive or violates laws such as defamation, harassment, discrimination, racial vilification, copyright laws; and/or posed any threat to security. 

Products that are for the purpose of donating raised funds to a political party, campaign and or candidate will not be selected for the Parliament Shop. 

 All suppliers will be vetted via Refinitiv World-Check Risk Intelligence

Please upload a copy of your product and public liability insurance jpeg, jpg, pdf (20 mb max)

Selected products must deliver commercial and performance outcomes for the Parliament Shop and selection processes must demonstrate that public resources are managed in an efficient, effective, economical, and ethical manner. To ensure commercial viability, the majority of products sold in the Parliament Shop are purchased at a wholesale rate that is generally around 50% of the recommended retail price.  Exclusions may apply.

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