The Australian Parliament and the Department of the House of Representatives (collectively referred to in this agreement as ‘the Parliament’) aims to raise awareness of the federal Parliament among young Australians by encouraging students to voice their opinions as if they were making their first speech in the House of Representatives and by publishing and broadcasting the winning videos and all other suitable entries from the My First Speech competition.
I/we give consent for the Parliament to use and publish your/your child’s name and town/state and your/ your child’s video submitted to the My First competition (including quotations attributable to you) in electronic and printed materials, the Parliament’s websites and as part of an exhibition installation at Australian Parliament House in Canberra.
I/we are aware that information published on the internet is accessible to users all over the world and the Parliament has no control over the subsequent use and distribution of the video.
I/we understand that all copyright in the materials vests in the Commonwealth of Australia.
I/we acknowledge that you/your child is not entitled to any remuneration, royalties or payment in respect of the use of the video submitted to the My First Speech competition.
I/we give consent for the Parliament to create video recordings and photographs of me/my child as part of the competition and publish these images in online or printed form.
I/we agree to the terms and conditions for the My First Speech competition available on the entry form and on the website at